Reformed Perspective Website
The website is created using Wordpress (PHP) and an extensive, custom PHP theme called Benchpress. It is hosted on Dreamhost and uses Cloudflare as a caching proxy.
About the Website
The Benchpress theme, stored at wp-content/themes/benchpress
is a complex, custom theme that does almost all of the heavy lifting for the RP website. It handles:
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Changes are made on the staging site before being copied to the main site. This allows us to see, test, and evaluate the changes before they go live. Only the benchpress
folder and select plugins from wp-content/plugins/?
are tracked by git. New content can be added to tracking, but only as necessary.
Changes to the website are tracked using git and are pushed to the RP GitHub organization and repository. Changes are pushed from staging and then pulled to the main site using git.
A number of scripts are used to manage website processes. The most elaborate of these is the Manna Publish script.
Another script is the Expire Ads script. This script is run as a cron job and checks posts with the 'Ad-New' Category for an expiry date and expires them (i.e. changes them to Draft status) if the date has passed.
More details can be found here.