Manna: Daily Scripture Meditations Podcast


The Manna Podcast (Manna: Daily Scripture Meditations) is a daily podcast published via a shell script with a systemd timer and is based on The Voice of the Church's weekly radio broadcasts, which were originally published on Sermon Audio.

The VOTC website and Sermon Audio presence have been taken down, and Reformed Perspective has been given permission to re-broadcast and re-use that content.

Sermon Audio Data Processing

All of the Sermon Audio data is stored in our PCloud drive. It was ripped, along with all the associated meta-data (sermondata.xml [PowerShell CLIXML format]) from Sermon Audio using a PowerShell script.

The audio has been processed using a short introduction recorded by Maria? and a public domain recording of the 1st movement of Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A to bracket the meditation with an intro. and outro.

$ffmpegFilter = "[1]areverse[rev];[rev]silenceremove=start_periods=1:start_silence=0.2:start_threshold=-35dB[revtrim];[revtrim]areverse[trim];[trim]speechnorm[norm];[0][norm]acrossfade=d=12.000:curve1=nofade:curve2=nofade[intro];[intro][2]acrossfade=d=15.000:curve1=nofade:curve2=nofade"
ffmpeg -i PodcastIntro.mp3 -i "${beforeFile}" -i PodcastOutro.mp3 -filter_complex "$ffmpegFilter" "${afterFile}"

and tagged and a cover image added using the Python 'eyeD3' script.

[string]$artist = $item.speaker
[string]$album = 'Manna Podcast'
[string]$title = $item.title
if($item.subtitle -ne '') {$title = "${title}: $($item.subtitle)"}
[string]$track = $item.rownum
[string]$total = 900
[string]$genre = 'Speech'
[datetime]$date = $
[string]$relYear = $date.Year.ToString()
[string]$relDate = $date.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
[string]$publisher = 'Reformed Perspective'
[string]$cover = "./manna-cover.jpg"

eyeD3 --artist "${artist}" --album "${album}" --title "${title}" --track $track --track-total $total --genre "${genre}" --release-year $relYear --release-date "${relDate}" --publisher "${publisher}" --remove-all-images --add-image "${cover}:FRONT_COVER" "${afterFile}"

Podbean Hosting

The Manna Podcast is published via Podbean using Podbean's REST API. There is a custom domain as well, so the Podbean page is at

Podcast Publishing Automation

Manna is published via an automated script, which includes the following components:

  • a systemd timer and a service file that actually runs the script
  • a systemd environment file which stores the Podbean API keys
  • the script which actually publishes the podcast daily
  • the preprocessed data (votcdata.txt); pipe-separated data (the data contains commas ;-) taken from the above-mentioned PowerShell data file (i.e. sermondata.xml).
  • an install script that puts all these files into their proper places and registers the systemd timer. 'linger' is also enabled for the user account.

The environment file is set up manually, since the keys shouldn't be stored in a Git repo. This is done in ~/.config/environment.d script

The script loads the data from the votcdata.txt file and sets a starting date and and offset. This determines which podcast will be published each day and where to start.

The Podbean API keys are loaded from the environment variables, and then the Podbean API is queried to obtain an authentication token.

Next, the current date is subtracted from the starting date to get the number of days elapsed, and the days are added to the offset to determine which item in the data should be processed for today's post podcast=$(sed "${offset}1;d" $dataPath).

The data from the correct row (now stored in $podcast) is extracted (mostly using cut) to build up all the fields needed to create a podcast post, including the URL to the correct mp3 on the RP web server and a 'content' field that contains information about the episode. Podbean will retrieve this file as the media file for this post.

Finally the Podbean API is called once more to POST the podcast episode using the token obtained earlier and all the info. and the URL derived from the line in the data file.