Past Articles List
The Past Articles list is a list of RSS feeds that get data from various Categories of articles on the RP website. Currently the feeds are all set to the Rows layout. The icon is an outlined star with PAST ARTICLES as the text. The feeds are:
Title | URL | Icon |
Apologetics | /category/resources/apologetics-101/feed/ | Compass |
Assorted | /category/assorted/feed | Checklist |
Christian Education | /category/resources/christian-education/feed | Graduation cap |
Church History | /category/resources/church-history/feed/ | Globe on books |
Dating | /category/resources/dating/feed/ | Heart with + |
Economics | /category/resources/economics/feed/ | Graph |
History | /category/resources/history/feed/ | Globe on books |
Human Rights | /category/resources/human-rights/feed/ | Scales |
Internet | /category/resources/internet/feed/ | Phone with speech bubble |
Job Postings | /category/advertising/feed | Store front |
Parenting | /category/resources/parenting/feed/ | Family |
Pro-Life: Abortion | /category/resources/abortion/feed/ | Unborn child |
Pro-Life: Adoption | /category/resources/pro-life-adoption/feed | Unborn child |
Pro-Life: Euthanasia | /category/resources/euthanasia/feed/ | Unborn child |
Pro-Life: Fostering | /category/resources/pro-life-fostering/feed/ | Unborn child |
Magazine | /category/magazine/feed | Magazine |
Media Bias | /category/resources/media-bias/feed/ | Bullhorn |
Politics | /category/resources/politics/feed/ | Campaign sign |
Science: Creation/Evolution | /category/resources/science-creationevolution/feed | Earth |
Science: Environment | /category/resources/science-environmental-stewardship/feed/ | Earth |
Science: General | /category/resources/science-general/feed/ | Earth |
Sexuality | /category/resources/sexuality/feed/ | Gender symbols venn |
Soup and Buns | /category/soup-and-buns/feed | Star |
Theology | /category/theology/feed | Book with cross |